A powerful transceiver, the Universal Pendulum PU 6.6 is 6 cm in diameter. It presents the whole visible and invisible spectrum of colour vibrations (E,M,EM). It is a pendulum with a magnetic battery. This was developed by the famous French radiesthetists A. De Bélizal and P.A. Morel.
The Universal Pendulum (UP) was developed after Egyptian models by Chauméry, Bélizal and P.A. Morel in the early 1930s in France. It is well known in some Eastern European countries and many radiesthesians in Poland, England and Switzerland work with it. The black, spherical pendulum 6.6 with a diameter of 60 mm and a weight of 80 g is made of specially processed wood. The sphere contains a magnetic battery that forms the axis and is connected to a semicircular bracket. The magnetic battery, which consists of 6 hemispheres connected in series, has the function of amplifying the radiation properties of the universal pendulum. The cord is attached to the swivel-mounted bracket with three grip points; it can be moved over the entire semicircle of the bracket, resulting in variable adjustment possibilities.
On the equator of the spherical pendulum as well as on two meridians running at right angles to each other, the scales of which each cover 400°, the universal pendulum bears marking points with short designations of the radiesthesic colour frequencies.
The universal pendulum is successfully used to analyse and normalise subtle energy fields, i.e. to work on chakras and aura. It can also be used in chromotherapy. Working with the universal pendulum can lead to an increase in sensitivity and to a better understanding of energetic connections in the subtle field. An expert introduction to the subject is recommended.
4, Passage Jean Nicot
75007 Paris
Tél :
(33) 06 25 27 08 80 (Barbara)
4, Passage Jean Nicot
75007 Paris
Tél :
(33) 06 25 27 08 80 (Barbara)
4, Passage Jean Nicot
75007 Paris
Tél :
(33) 06 25 27 08 80 (Barbara)