The Isis beverage stick should be held in the vessel with a beverage and stirred with it for approx. 30 seconds. If the Isis-drink-stick is simply put into the corresponding vessel, the energizing can take 30 - 60 seconds. Presumably, depending on the nature and quality of the beverage, a longer exposure time may be necessary in order to achieve an optimal result. Experience shows that fruit juice needs longer than e.g. water until a possible improvement in taste can occur and coffee needs even more time, but usually not more than 60 seconds.
Due to its special physical structure as a liquid crystal, water can absorb, store and pass on frequency patterns of other substances. This is made possible by so-called hydrogen bonds. The latest research results also explain the mode of action of homeopathy. Water reacts like a sensitive antenna to everything in its environment. Scientific research has shown that even cosmic conditions such as planetary constellations or the phases of the moon have an influence on water. In the meantime, it has actually been proven that water has a kind of "memory". Water can store information and pass it on. Unfortunately, it makes no distinction between positive and negative information. In his water analyses, a German graduate physicist was able to prove that water still contained their electromagnetic vibrations even after being cleaned of pollutants . It is not the chemical substances that have an effect on the organism, but the harmful electromagnetic frequencies of the pollutants. Such frequencies can be neutralized by the Weber-Isis® Beverage Rod./p>
Water crystal photographs according to the method of Dr. Masaru Emoto ©Eckhard Weber
Picture A: Untreated tap water (neutral sample). Chaotic and disharmonic structure.
Picture B: treated tap water with a Weber-Isis® beverage stick. Very nice 6-part geometry like a snow crystal becomes visible.
Eckhard Weber:"A great device for on the road. And for all doubters! If you are still not sure whether bioenergy really exists or whether it can be amplified and radiated with one of my devices, this is an inexpensive possibility to experiment. Just trust your own perception! Stir the Isis-Beverage-Stick in your coffee, juice, wine, beer or water glass and see what happens. Better taste? Do you feel fresher? I firmly believe you will notice something. Go ahead and take your time with it and train your perception. Again, the groove and ring shape plays a big role here, aided by the sphere. The radiation that can unfold through these shapes alone is possibly enhanced by the spiral, the quartz sand and the cotton inside the rod. Of course, the Isis Beverage Wand is more than just a testing device. It can serve as a drink activator on the go. Or to amaze your friends in the pub. All descriptions are based on observations, my perceptions and those of customers. We have had beautiful water crystal photographs taken using the process of Dr. Masaru Emoto."
4, Passage Jean Nicot
75007 Paris
Tél :
(33) 06 25 27 08 80 (Barbara)
4, Passage Jean Nicot
75007 Paris
Tél :
(33) 06 25 27 08 80 (Barbara)
4, Passage Jean Nicot
75007 Paris
Tél :
(33) 06 25 27 08 80 (Barbara)